Friday, January 1, 2010

fascinating fact

This is a fascinating fact. Never know

that penguins engage in prostitution. I remember the movie Good luck Chuck where Jessica Alba plays the female lead role. She works in a sort of amusement park, caretaker of penguins. She loves penguins so much because of its fidelity, they only got one mate in their entire life. But now, it seems not. Dr. Fiona Hunter, a zoologist stated: “
“It tends to be females targeting single males, otherwise the partner female would beat the intruder up.”Funny isn’t it? Believe it or not, as they were saying, female penguins even when committed in a relationship will do sexual favors with complete strangers for the sake of pebbles needed for home building. They chose singles to play it safe but undergoes another elaborate courtship process for those pebbles and when they’ve got it, they run off.,

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